The Incredible Benefits of Having Friends at Work! [Infographic]
Friends at work are similar to friends at the gym – it’s so much easier to go when you have them! It makes for some fun times and builds a sense of belonging. If you truly get along with your peers, you will naturally feel more satisfied at your job.
And 70% of employees agree with me according to the below infographic.
Having a great friend by your side at work helps you to feel more connected with the company you work for, making you more loyal, determined and invested.
It also makes you a very committed employee, so you could say having great friends makes you more focused on your job beating the general stigma that getting along with your peers means you chat too much!
Everyone likes a pat on the back as recognition for good work and an employee whose colleague is also their best friend are 1.4 x more likely to have received praise at work within the last seven days.
If you’re an employer, undecided on the benefits of work culture and its contribution to happy & efficient employees, read on to discover proven advantages on the topic.
Imagine if your employees showed you on average 35% more commitment to quality? It would be pretty amazing! There are studies to prove that you can achieve just that.
Times are changing and we are moving away from the strict rules of yesterday that did nothing but weigh us down and make us feel chained down to a job that provided little enjoyment. Now the focus is on advancing into more pleasurable working environments.
The below infographic touches on just a few of the reasons why having friends at work is so important in building a community at your company!
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Infographic by Office Vibe