The Ultimate Guide to Using Google Maps [Infographic]

Your rental car comes to an abrupt stop on a dead end street. You’re in a city and country you have never been to before whilst on your lovely, well-planned honeymoon. You could have sworn that the hotel you are staying at was just around the corner but your spouse is starting to question your navigational skills so you reach for the poorly folded map stuffed into the glove box.
Hang on! It’s the 21st century and we now have a great tool called Google Maps. The day is saved and before you know it you will be blissfully exploring your new surroundings confidently.
Since starting operation back in 2005 solely for PC web browsers it now covers all tech products and operating services worldwide. It’s an innovative navigation tool that has greatly changed the way we view and interact with our surroundings. You can even use it to take a stroll through your honeymoon destination beforehand to double check that it’s perfect for the both of you.
From simple mapping duties to finding a local attraction and booking a ticket via a linked website it has saved people bucket loads of time and in turn money.
The broad capabilities, however, can confuse us just as much as the old school paper map.
If you too, just like in granddads terms, have enough trouble with the ‘internets’, then you’re in luck! We’re sharing an infographic to shed some light on Google Maps, it visually runs you through the many benefits of this program as well as exactly what you can use it for.
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Infographic by Expedia