How to Create a Complete Social Media Strategy [Infographic]
What exactly is the social media trifecta I hear you ask? Well, it’s when the following media combined together results in paid ROI, influencer marketing and content curation.
If you can find the perfect balance between owned, earned and paid marketing, then you’ve hit the perfect social media trifecta. We’re talking about how consumers speak about your brand to you vs about you and how you portray your brand online. The happy medium is the perfect social media trifecta.
Interested in knowing more about how to apply this strategy to your social media marketing plan? Then read on.
It all starts with the media attention you ‘earn’ and this type of media is the most beneficial proving to lift your brand 4x more than ‘owned’ media. Be there for your customers and listen to everything they have to say, good or bad. Gain the trust of your audience more effectively than you would by just using social media ads.
Earn more engagement with the right content, make sure that it is visually appealing and makes your audience hit like or share!
Content curation is the art of carefully selecting content to present to your audience, one of the best forms of content media is user generated content. This covers any content that is shared and created by a member of your following that isn’t paid for.
That is how you turn earned media into owned.
So place your bets because the odds are high that you will hit that perfect trifecta with the tips in the following infographic.
As always, please let us know your comments or any questions on Twitter (@thewebsitegroup ← Click to Tweet Us).
Infographic by Tracx